Saturday, December 30, 2006


Aku sebenarnya kadang bingung juga ama kamu......??? Kemarin internet ngadat, tapi besoknya bisa lagi soalnya pake ISP sebelah, he..he.. Hari ini rencana aku pulang kampung biar ketemu ama bapak, ibuk, mbak, adek dan semua yang ada di gubukku tercinta.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Lagi ga ada kata...............

Ga ada kata buat aku masukin disini.

Monday, December 18, 2006


bila rasa tlah berubah
malukah kita mengakuinya

dan bersama setiap saat
jadikan cinta satu cerita

reff: akhirnya kita merasa
persahabatan pun ternoda
haruskah kita malu
mengakui adanya anugerah cinta

yakinkah dengan rasa ini
atau hanya cinta yg sesaat
resapilah semua rasa
jangan menodai apa yg terjadi
persahabatan kita

dan bersama setiap saat
jadikan cinta satu cerita

repeat reff

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Minggu yang......

Malem minggu dikosan sendiri........
Padahal diseberang ada yang menanti kedatangannya (mungkin), he..he... yah apa dayaku.......
Akhirnya malam minggu kulalui dengan sendiri + sms ama dia yang isinya (Met malem mingguan chay......) -->dah terlalu sering<--
Seperti biasa, aku nyalain kompiuter sambil dengerin lagu plus utak-atik ga tau sampe jam berapa akhirnya aku ketiduran didepan kompiuterq. Untungnya temen tidurq lom tidur jadi dia yang matikan. he..he...
Hari minggu dikosan ga ada acara akhirnya aku ke tempat biasa, disana dah ada Mr. Jay, Nyophy, Para, Jhon Lisin, Pauji, q kesana ama yang namanya Bangsad. he..he...
Akirnya ngenet + ngisi blog, buka e-mail, ada email dari ..... yang isinya ..... langsung aku bales dengan sepenuh hati. Maafin aku yach...... Aku s banget ma kamu.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Hari ku..........

Cerita Kemarin:
Kemarin kompiuterku kena yang namanya pirus (OS WINDOWS XP SP2, Original + License). Tanya kenapa??????? kok masih pakek Windows yang bayar mahal, mudah kena pirus,dll
Jawabanya:::::: Yah orang2 diajak pindah ke open source pada lom mau (bukan ga mau).
Akirnya Windows aku hancorkan. Tapi instal lagi pake Windows lagi he..he.. (Temen-temen pada lom mau diajak pindah soalnya katanya mbinunin).
Yang bikin aku sebel tuh kmarin plashdisku juga kena yang namanya tuh pirus, tapi pas tak masukin ke komporku yang pake sumbu LINUX UBUNTU 5.10 he..he.. tuh pirus diem ajah ga ada kerjaan + ga bisa ngapa-ngapain, akhirnya tak usir dengan sangat tidak terhormat (Pres DELETE) he..he.. dia langsung kabur. Itulah yang makin bikin aku sayang ama linux (Tapi setelah sayangku ama si .......... tebak sendiri yach).

Monday, December 04, 2006


Beberapa hari ini perasaanku ga enak, setelah nerima sms dari ...... Isi pesan itu pendek tapi penuh arti yang aku sendiri juga tidak tahu bagaimana menmgartikannya. Aku mungkin bisa menerima kenyataan, tapi mengapa ini begitu cepat. Semua aku serahkan pada yang diatas. Biarlah semua ini berjalan seperti air yang mengalir.

"Mungkin Tuhan menginginkan kita bertemu dan bercinta dengan orang yang salah sebelum bertemu dengan orang yang tepat, kita harus mengerti bagaimana berterima kasih atas kurnia itu."

Friday, December 01, 2006


Sungguh aku tak mengharapkan pesan seperti yang kau kirim kemarin.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Aku tidak akan masuk ruangan

Mungkin ini adalah sebuah judul yang pas buat hari ini, he..he.... Hari ini aku masuk ruang yang biasa aku pakai buat tuk melakukan aktivitasku. Pas masuk ada Pak...... aku ga tau namanya dan ga mau tau (ga ada untungnya tapi keliatannya banyak buntungnya) :D. Nah sampek didalam aku ditegur (jangan masuk ruangan kalo saya sedang ........ disini, tapi sudah terlanjur masuk, besok jangan masuk ya. Langsung aku jawab: iya). Dengan semangat aku keluar dari ruangan sambil tersenyum (hatiku berkata: awas kalo besok butuh terus nyari-nyari he...he...). Biarlah rasa sebel ini aku jadikan pengalaman. Moga saja ada hikmah dibalik semua ini.........

Monday, November 27, 2006


Ga biasanya aku nulis blog (dasar orang males nulis......), tapi hari ini aku nulis he..he.. ni pengalamanku kmarin sama si Anu (Anu bukan nama sebenarnya) :D.
Setelah 3 minggu ga ketemu akhirnya aku bisa ketemu :'). Aku hampir seharian disana, ngobrol ga jelas arahnya, he..he.... Tapi lumayanlah buat ngilangin kangen. Kapan yah qta bisa ketemu lagi.....?????? Makasih udah mau nemenin aku.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Introduction What's array

A basic definition of an array would be: A collection of items of the same type, where each item has assigned a index number. Sounds simple enough, but in order to take advantage of it, we must get past this definition and enter the dark side of it: How arrays are stored in memory.

A Little Foreplay Is Always Necessary, As They Say

For me to successfully explain this concept, I must mention a little something about RAM, or the computer memory. RAM is linear. This means it is not layed out in some complex two or three-dimensional or n-dimensional form or something of that sort. It is very simple: The first byte is followed by the second byte, which is also followed by the third byte, and so on. All the bytes available in RAM are one next to the other. No special directions to reach a particular byte are needed. You just say byte 0, byte 1, byte 65536 (the first byte after the first 64Kb of memory). All you have to do is count from the first byte to the byte number given.

The numbers I just presented above are to be considered memory pointers. If you have a variable pointing to byte 65536 and the data stored there is a long value (4 bytes), then the next available RAM space is at byte 65536 + 4 = 65540 (plus four because a long value requires 4 bytes). Normally, you will see pointer values written in hexadecimal format. It is the same thing, but Hex is preferred because of its compact mode, among other few advantages.

Working with pointers is somewhat simple, but not so simple for VB programmers. You see, math for pointers require that the pointer variables do not reserve the most significant bit for the sign, and that variables holding pointers must be 4 bytes long. Why this? Simple really: There are no negative byte counts. You never refer to a byte as byte -30; there is just no such thing. This is why you should always be very careful when using a pointer to get another pointer by adding an offset of bytes. As a general rule of thumb, you should never do this calculation except for positive pointers while working in VB.

ASCII (flat) files, SGML, HTML

Not everyone is using XML. Some developers are waiting for their organization's technology boards to approve the use of XML as a corporate standard. Some feel insecure jumping into a new technology. Still others are in the wait-and-see zone or are just waiting for XML to grow.

But regardless of the reasons for staying away from XML, business requirements have to be met, and applications have to be created to allow various systems to work together. And although XML can make this possible, you have a number of alternatives. They don't necessarily match XML's capabilities, but they offer other features that make them useful for transferring data across applications and organizations.

ASCII (flat) files
Used to transfer data between various applications, various groups in the same organizations, and even between organizations, flat files offer a proven way of sharing data. The technology is not especially flexible or sophisticated, and it lacks many advanced features offered by XML, such as self-verification. In addition, a fair amount of the burden associated with conversion and mapping of data falls on the sending and receiving applications. However, flat files offer a cheap and fast way to transfer data; they are an old but still viable technique for many developers.

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) is an international standard that was originally designed to describe text-based information and to facilitate information interchange between organizations. SGML lets you create customized markup languages that allow separating content from formatting.

SGML enables the creation of "smart documents," dynamically formatted files that can be presented on paper, onscreen, via CD-ROM, or electronically over networks and the Web.

Like XML, SGML focuses on structure and, for the most part, disregards formatting issues. It can dramatically improve the way you manage information by facilitating better organization, flexible and cost-effective delivery methods, and content reuse.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a subset of SGML and a longtime Web standard. HTML is easy to learn, use, and understand, but it's not very flexible. HTML defines a simple, fixed type of document with a limited markup to present information (specify a title of a page, show an image, show text, etc.). It's widely supported by browsers and offers a number of advantages:

* HTML is very easy to learn.
* HTML browsers are freely available.
* HTML document browser interfaces are easy to create for existing products.
* HTML allows linking unrelated data.
* HTML is widely used.

There are also some disadvantages of HTML:

* HTML is a fairly weak presentation tool and lacks many advanced formatting capabilities.
* HTML doesn't allow creating custom tags and requires the use of other technologies like CSS to present the same information with different styles.
* The linking capability offered by HTML is very simple, allowing only one-to-one links and requiring an anchor.
* Presentation may be unstable because of the different HTML versions and the various ways in which some browsers display HTML data.

XML and HTML are different technologies used for different business needs, and one can't easily replace the other. However, it is possible to do some of the things with HTML that can be done with XML, such as facilitating a data transfer.